This is a story of isolation and hope, ofa writer in exile. The writer is banished for herattack on religious fundamentalism and patriarchyand her cat is suddenly left alone....readmore
Chauthi Koot evokes the atmosphere ofsuspicion, fear and paranoia of the Punjab in1980s. It considers two loosely connectedincidents: two Hindu friends trying to get toAmritsar and, some months earlier, a farmer whois...readmore
The story is an adaptation of AntonChecov's greatest short story Vanka. The moviecomprises elements of friendship, relationshipsand with a lot of love. A Tale of an orphan boywho works under a cobbler and the hardships he...readmore
A fourteen-year-old Dalit boy (SohamMaitra) is growing up in an unnamed corner ofIndia. His dream is to go to a town school likehis elder brother (Riddhi Sen) and his reality is tolook after the pig that his family owns. Hi...readmore
The film encompasses the journey of ayoung boy from his early days to becoming thelegend – “Father of Indian Unrest” thus inspiringgenerations to come. Nailing hard the messagethat when it comes to systems...readmore
The storyline of the movie revolvesaround an honest man-woman relationship inthe backdrop of a natural calamity. Mahendranand Maya are in a living together relationship.They have their own independent life even whilet...readmore