The film focuses on the mysogynistic behaviour within the entertainment industry. Highlighted in high profile allegations against media mogul Harvey Weinstein. This film production supports The Me Too Movement. Used as...readmore
“ATHARYAM (The Opaque)” filmed entirely in Singapore, is a short film which portrays the typical “Opaque” mentality of our society where most people judge a book by its cover. The film cent...readmore
A Typical middleclass family from a city. Where the father (SUNDAR, 46) got stuck with his stock market issues. A Multi-talented mother (SEETHA, 41), as she can hear her famous TV serial while busy in kitchen. Their da...readmore
Vighatane is a fictional story of a boy in his mid 20's who is considered a loser by his family because of his low scores in degree and unable to get a decent job or crack through interviews but then the reason he give...readmore
This is a story of a guy who faces a situation where he has to open up himself to his family. He is informed that he cannot make his wife pregnant and this news has to be shared with the household. The way he tries to narrate his problem and in th...readmore