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Wealthy middle-aged Armando luresyoung men to his home with money. He doesntwant to touch, only watch from a strict distance.He also follows an elderly businessman withwhom he seems to have had a traumaticrelationship. Armandos first encounter with streetthug Elder is violent, but this doesnt discouragethe lonely mans fascination with the toughhandsome teenager. Financial interest keepsElder visiting him regularly and an unexpectedintimacy emerges. But Armandos haunted pastlooms large, and Elder commits the ultimate actof affection on Armandos behalf. Series of eventsunfold as the film goes on.

Director :Lorenzo Vigas Language :Spanish Country :Venezula
Producer :Not Updated Editor :Not Updated Screening Type:2D
Cinematographer :Not Updated Year :2015 Duration:93 Mins


Director Name

Lorenzo Vigas