"Karim Mohammed" is an inspiring tale of an innocent boy, who belongs to the “Bakarwal” community of upper Jammu & Kashmir, who are shepherds by profession. Mohammed has an intense relation with his father who is patriotic and humanist and has always inspired his child to love his country.
Mohammed raises a serious social question on terrorism. The biggest challenge to eradicate terrorism is the victim's mindset itself. All of us : the victims of terrorism, succumbs to it in fear. But little boy Mohammed doesn’t surrender to fear and with his fearless heart, he turns crusader for his entire community, by motivating them to overcome their own fears and apprehensions to fight against terrorism.
The term or word "Terrorism" or as described in Hindi "Aatank" means fear and fear has its home in one's mind, nowhere else. Throw it out and the terrorism will have no existence. True, that it is not as simple as it sounds, but it is not as difficult too as it has been perceived or rather portrayed and that's exactly the little Mohammed proves.