Maqbool Fida Husain a connoisseur ofArt, an Indian who brought laurels to the IndianArt, by showcasing his works on to the globalplatform. Husain moved to places, reachedheights, accomplished fame, fortune and manyadmirers all over the world.He rose toextraordinaire... but always remained a child atheart. The docu-feature is a journey exploringthe multi- faceted, multi - talented M.F Husainthrough the eyes of his friends and admirersacross the globe. The journey moves from hisearly days, where he was identifying himself,expressing his thoughts, feelings through thecolours and canvas. The loss of his mother whenhe was just a year and a half old had left a verydeep impact on his personality. The child'sheart, spontaneity and search for the femininewarmth and love, reflected in his works verystrongly... He had decided to move to Bombayin his 20's from Indore and that is where hisjourney started, exploring the Art world. He metmany talented Artists at the Bombay progressiveArt society and made some good friends, whostood by him till the end.