A Bollywood filmmaker and his crew gets stranded in a remote Himalayan village due to torrential downpours. How the intense experiences under siege, affect the filmmaker's thoughts and priorities forms the central them...readmore
"Karim Mohammed" is an inspiring tale of an innocent boy, who belongs to the “Bakarwal” community of upper Jammu & Kashmir, who are shepherds by profession. Mohammed has an intense relation with his fat...readmore
This movie is completely taken in the colloquial language of Lakshadweep Islands, called JASARI. The movie “SINJAR” is depicting the story of an ordinary fisherman living in the capital city of Lakshadweep ...readmore
TO LET is the story of a couple with a child. It takes place in 2007 in the Indian city of Chennai which is experiencing a real estate boom as a result of an exponential development of the IT sector. The child likes to...readmore
Upama (Tanuja Mukherjee) is a woman in her early seventies, living alone in an old Kolkata house. Her relationship with her only son, Soumyo (Jishuu Sengupta), has become somewhat bitter in recent times. She had single...readmore