Midnight Run is a realistic drama that takes place over the span of one single night. It revolves around a young boy who comes out from a scrap yard on a festive night and reaches a road. To achieve his goal, he is com...readmore
For an ordinary Yakut guy Kolya Anufriev life seems to be simple and clear until he meets Svetka. Because of her he wants to become better and change his life, but as a result, everything changes......readmore
The film based on a true incident occurred in Gandaki region of Nepal during Maoist insurgency about social discrimination in regard to existing caste and gender in general and about so called “unusual relation&r...readmore
Raagasoothram reveals the anxiety of a young film maker Rishi Sharma which creates an imaginary world to him. There he found a libidinous man and his variegated activities. It is conceived with a mythological two layer...readmore
Set in a mystical village in the desert, The Waiting Place is a barren, Orwellian landscape of uniformity and blandness. There, two young children catch each others attention and go on adventure to discover colour, mus...readmore
When a small coastal town of fishermen learns about the secret visit of the President of the Republic to its local soap shop, they embark in an everlasting struggle at cleaning up and maintaining the perfect image of t...readmore
The film story “Chelemanushi” is adapted from Manik Bandopadhyay's same titled story. In this film the Director and script writer presented the story based on Bangladesh perspective after partition to till ...readmore
A boy (Keshta)who stays in a Village with his parents and is passionate about playing flute, commitment towards nature, country, society bonding between human, nature and social responsibilities is Banshi all about. Me...readmore
On a foggy night, an IT guy is looking for taxi. After hard trying, he gets into a taxi. The driver of that taxi is talkative and it irritates the IT guy. During the journey the IT guy tries suicide after getting hitch...readmore
21-year-old Laura arrives home from school to find her host, Stella, and her paralyzed husband, Mario, waiting with a gourmet dinner to celebrate her first month at their home. Despite having arranged a call with her m...readmore
A poet once answered the question " Tell me how many elements are important in communication?" in this way. He said " The one which is absent is the most important of all". When two men are walking besides each other a...readmore
An everyday routine of a lonely old lady is interrupted by an irritating housefly. An initial conflict between the two is soon replaced by a newly found friendship and grandma's days become filled with life and joy....readmore
When her mother dies, Julie discovers that her father is not her real father. Her family references are shaken. She doesn’t know if she can still consider the person she thought was her father as such. Memories o...readmore